CIS contributes to the Research and Advisory Group of the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC)
- Internet Governance
Arindrajit Basu
5 July 2018
Chaired by Marina Kaljurand, and Co-Chaired by Michael Chertoff and Latha Reddy, the Commission comprises 26 prominent Commissioners who are experts hailing from a wide range of geographic regions representing multiple communities including academia industry, government, technical and civil society.
As a part of their efforts, the GCSC sent out a call for proposals for papers that sought to analyze and advance various aspects of the cyber norms debate.
Elonnai Hickok and Arindrajit Basu’s paper ‘ Conceptualizing an International Security Architecture for Cyberspace’ was selected by the Commissioners and published as a part of the Briefings of the Research and Advisory Group.
Arindrajit Basu represented CIS at the Cyberstability Hearings held by the GCSC at the sidelines of the GLOBSEC forum in Bratislava-a multilateral conference seeking to advance dialogue on various issues of international peace and security.
The published paper and the Power Point may be accessed here.
The agenda for the hearings is reproduced below
Venue: “Habsburg” room, Grand Hotel River Park 15:00-15:15
Welcome Remarks by Marina Kaljurand, Chair of the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC) and former Foreign Minister of Estonia 15:15-16:45
Hearing I: Expert Hearing
This session focuses on the topic Cyberstability and the International Peace and Security Architecture and includes scene settings, food-for-thought presentations on the new GCSC commissioned research, briefings and open statements by government and nongovernmental speakers.
“Scene setting: ”Cyber Diplomacy in Transition” by Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister of Sweden
“Commissioned Research I: Lessons learned from three historical case studies on establishing international norms” by Arindrajit Basu, Centre for Internet and Society, India
Commission Research II: The “pre-normative” framework and options for cyber diplomacy” by Elana Broitman, New America Foundation
“Some Remarks on current thinking within the United Nations”, by Renata Dwan, Director United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) (Registered Statements by Government Advisors) (Statements by other experts)
(Open floor discussion) 16:45-17:15
Coffee Break