Dataset: Patent Landscape of Mobile Device Technologies in India
- Access to Knowledge
Rohini Lakshané
2 April 2016
Dataset: Patent Landscape of Mobile Device Technologies in India
This dataset contains a landscape of 23,569 patents and patent applications registered in India and relevant to the domain of mobile technology. These patents and patent applications are held by 50 Indian and non-Indian companies operating in the country. The patent landscape has been released under the Creative Commons-Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0) License as a part of the ongoing Pervasive Technologies research project.
For the detailed methdology used for drawing up this landscape, read: Methodology: Patent Landscaping in the Indian Mobile Device Marketplace
A paper titled “Patents and Mobile Devices in India: An Empirical Survey” published on SSRN in March 2016 presents an analyis of this patent landscape.
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Using this dataset:
Assignee: The assignee is one of 50 companies specified in Annexure 4 of the methodology document. Where two assignees are mentioned, the patent was transferred from the second assignee to the first on account of sale of the patent, company merger, etc. For example, “Huawei|NEC” indicates that a patent that belonged to NEC was transferred to Huawei.
Patent Number: This column contains the patent number in the case of granted patents and the application number in case of patent applications. Patent numbers have been coded in the Thomson Reuters database as IN<6 digit number>B. For example, the patent number 247760 in the Indian Patent Office database is coded as IN247760B in this dataset. The application number is coded as well. However, there is a separate column (Column R) for the application number as given in the Indian Patent Office database.
Level 1: Patents and patent applications in the landscape have been categorised into: Body Design, Communication, Connectable Interfaces, Display, Energy Storage, Memory, Operational Blocks, Sensors, Software, and Sound, image and video.
Level 2: Almost all categories have further been divided into sub-categories, i.e., Level 2 categories.
Infrastructure/ UE: Refers to whether the patent pertains to infrastructure and the user equipment (IUE) or only the user equipment (UE).