National Resource Kit: The Maharashtra Chapter (Call for Comments)
- Accessibility
Anandhi Viswanathan
31 July 2013
Executive Summary
The state of Maharashtra is in the process of finalising the Maharashtra State Policy for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities. The draft is currently under discussion by the government and civil society organisations. The government of Maharashtra has issued notifications on providing assistive technologies to disabled employees in government and semi-government services.
State Profile
- Capital: Mumbai
- Population: 112,372,972
- Population of Persons with Disabilities: 15,69,582 (2001 Census)
- Literacy: 82.9%
- HDI: 0.689 Rank: 12th (2005)[1]
- Department: Department of Social Justice and Empowerment
Legal Provisions
The state of Maharashtra is in the process of putting together a state policy for persons with disabilities to implement the provisions in the three central laws. The draft of this document is presently being deliberated by the government and civil bodies for persons with disabilities.
The government has passed a few notifications for persons with disabilities. These are listed below:
The government of Maharashtra has published a list of supportive devices and assistive technologies that are required by blind and visually impaired employees in government and semi-government services to fulfil their duties. The order provides that the existing disabled employees as well as those who are to be appointed will have to be provided with these devices according to their needs.[2]
The government of Maharashtra has issued a notification to the effect that all employees with disabilities who are appointed to government and semi-government services will be provided with devices with assistive technology that enable them to carry out their designated tasks. The order provides that each disabled employee is eligible to purchase two devices worth a maximum of Rs. 50,000 per head and the charges borne by the employee for the purchase of the devices are to be reimbursed by the government within 15 days of the claim. The order further states that for devices worth more than Rs. 50,000 the department is responsible for purchasing the devices for the use of the employees.[3]
EducationThe University of Mumbai has issued a circular approving the use of scribe and providing extra time to students with disabilities such as blindness, low vision and physical disability, and those suffering from conditions like dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia or equivalent conditions. The circular further provides that the principals of colleges and heads of institutes will be responsible for assisting the students in locating scribes and providing permission letters.[4]
[2]. Social Justice and Special Support Department Government Decision Date: Court Order- 2011/C.No-4/Amendment – 3 Dated: 3rd June 2011
[3]. Social Justice and Special Services Department Government Circular No. Court Order – 2011/C No – 4/Amend Dated: 20th August 2011
[4]. No. Exam/COE/Benefit/102 of 2012 31st March, 2012