RAW Lectures #01: Nishant Shah on Stories and Histories of Internet in India – Video
Puthiya Purayil Sneha
1 December 2015
RAW Lectures
The Researchers at Work programme initiated the RAW Lectures series to take stock, reflect, and chart courses into the studies of Internet in/from India. The lectures address the experiences and practices of Internet in India as plural and intertwined with longer-duration processes. The lectures also critically respond to the questions around the methods of studying Internet in/from India, and the opportunities and challenges of studying Indian society on/through the Internet.
Lecture #01 – Stories and Histories of Internet in India
Dr. Nishant Shah is the Professor of Culture and Aesthetics of New Media at the Leuphana University Lüneburg, Research Associate at COMMON MEDIA LAB, Affiliate at DIGITAL CULTURES RESEARCH LAB, and International Tandempartner at HYBRID PUBLISHING LAB. He is the co-founder and former-Director-Research at the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, India.
More: http://cis-india.org/raw/raw-lectures-01-nishant-shah.
Video files: MP4, OGG, and Torrent.
The video is shared under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.