Summary Report Internet Governance Forum 2015

  • Access to Knowledge
  • Internet Governance

Jyoti Panday

23 November 2015

Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), India participated in the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) held at Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Joao Pessoa in Brazil from 10 November 2015 to 13 November 2015. The theme of IGF 2015 was ‘Evolution of Internet Governance: Empowering Sustainable Development’. Sunil Abraham, Pranesh Prakash & Jyoti Panday from CIS actively engaged and made substantive contributions to several key issues affecting internet governance at the IGF 2015. The issue-wise detail of their engagement is set out below.


I. TheMulti-stakeholder Advisory Group to the IGF organised a discussion onSustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs) and Internet Economyatthe Main Meeting Hall from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm on 11 November, 2015.Thediscussions at this session focused on the importance of InternetEconomy enabling policies and eco-system for the fulfilment ofdifferent SDGs. Several concerns relating to internetentrepreneurship, effective ICT capacity building, protection ofintellectual property within and across borders were availability oflocal applications and content were addressed. The panel alsodiscussed the need to identify SDGs where internet based technologiescould make the most effective contribution. SunilAbraham contributed to the panel discussions by addressing the issueof development and promotion of local content and applications. Listof speakers included:

  1. Lenni Montiel, Assistant-Secretary-General for Development, United Nations

  2. Helani Galpaya, CEO LIRNEasia

  3. Sergio Quiroga da Cunha, Head of Latin America, Ericsson

  4. Raúl L. Katz, Adjunct Professor, Division of Finance and Economics, Columbia Institute of Tele-information

  5. Jimson Olufuye, Chairman, Africa ICT Alliance (AfICTA)

  6. Lydia Brito, Director of the Office in Montevideo, UNESCO

  7. H.E. Rudiantara, Minister of Communication & Information Technology, Indonesia

  8. Daniel Sepulveda, Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Coordinator for International and Communications Policy at the U.S. Department of State

  9. Deputy Minister Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services for the republic of South Africa

  10. Sunil Abraham, Executive Director, Centre for Internet and Society, India

  11. H.E. Junaid Ahmed Palak, Information and Communication Technology Minister of Bangladesh

  12. Jari Arkko, Chairman, IETF

  13. Silvia Rabello, President, Rio Film Trade Association

  14. Gary Fowlie, Head of Member State Relations & Intergovernmental Organizations, ITU

Detaileddescription of the workshop is available here

Transcriptof the workshop is available here

Videolink Interneteconomy and Sustainable Development here

 II.PublicKnowledge organised a workshop on TheBenefits and Challenges of the Free Flow of Data atWorkshop Room5 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm on 12 November, 2015. The discussions inthe workshop focused on the benefits and challenges of the free flowof data and also the concerns relating to data flow restrictionsincluding ways to addressthem. SunilAbraham contributed to the panel discussions by addressing the issueof jurisdiction of data on the internet. Thepanel for the workshop included the following.

  1. Vint Cerf, Google

  2. Lawrence Strickling, U.S. Department of Commerce, NTIA

  3. Richard Leaning, European Cyber Crime Centre (EC3), Europol

  4. Marietje Schaake, European Parliament

  5. Nasser Kettani, Microsoft

  6. Sunil Abraham, CIS India

Detaileddescription of the workshop is available here

Transcriptof the workshop is available here

Video link

 III.Article19 andPrivacy International organised a workshop on Encryptionand Anonymity: Rights and Risksat Workshop Room 1 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm on 12 November, 2015.Theworkshop fostered a discussion about the latest challenges toprotection of anonymity and encryption and ways in which lawenforcement demands could be met while ensuring that individualsstill enjoyed strong encryption and unfettered access to anonymitytools. PraneshPrakash contributed to the panel discussions by addressing concernsabout existing south Asian regulatory framework on encryption andanonymity and emphasizing the need for pervasive encryption. Thepanel for this workshop included the following.

  1. David Kaye, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression

  2. Juan Diego Castañeda, Fundación Karisma, Colombia

  3. Edison Lanza, Organisation of American States Special Rapporteur

  4. Pranesh Prakash, CIS India

  5. Ted Hardie, Google

  6. Elvana Thaci, Council of Europe

  7. Professor Chris Marsden, Oxford Internet Institute

  8. Alexandrine Pirlot de Corbion, Privacy International

Detaileddescription of the workshop is available here

Transcriptof the workshop is available here

Video link available here

 IV.Chalmers& Associates organised a session on ADialogue on Zero Rating and Network Neutralityat the Main Meeting Hall from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on 12 November,2015. The Dialogue provided access to expert insight on zero-ratingand a full spectrum of diverseviews on this issue. The Dialogue also explored alternativeapproaches to zero rating such as use of community networks. PraneshPrakash providedadetailed explanation of harms and benefits related to differentapproaches to zero-rating. Thepanellists for this session were the following.

  1. Jochai Ben-Avie, Senior Global Policy Manager, Mozilla, USA

  2. Igor Vilas Boas de Freitas, Commissioner, ANATEL, Brazil

  3. Dušan Caf, Chairman, Electronic Communications Council, Republic of Slovenia

  4. Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood, Research Fellow, London School of Economics, UK/Peru

  5. Belinda Exelby, Director, Institutional Relations, GSMA, UK

  6. Helani Galpaya, CEO, LIRNEasia, Sri Lanka

  7. Anka Kovacs, Director, Internet Democracy Project, India

  8. Kevin Martin, VP, Mobile and Global Access Policy, Facebook, USA

  9. Pranesh Prakash, Policy Director, CIS India

  10. Steve Song, Founder, Village Telco, South Africa/Canada

  11. Dhanaraj Thakur, Research Manager, Alliance for Affordable Internet, USA/West Indies

  12. Christopher Yoo, Professor of Law, Communication, and Computer & Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Detaileddescription of the workshop is available here

Transcriptof the workshop is available here

 V.TheInternet & Jurisdiction Project organised a workshop onTransnationalDue Process: A Case Study in MS Cooperationat Workshop Room4 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm on 13 November, 2015. Theworkshop discussion focused on the challenges in developing anenforcement framework for the internet that guarantees transnationaldue process and legal interoperability. The discussion also focusedon innovative approaches to multi-stakeholder cooperation such asissue-based networks, inter-sessional work methods and transnationalpolicy standards. The panellists for this discussion were thefollowing.

  1. Anne Carblanc Head of Division, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD

  2. Eileen Donahoe Director Global Affairs, Human Rights Watch

  3. Byron Holland President and CEO, CIRA (Canadian ccTLD)

  4. Christopher Painter Coordinator for Cyber Issues, US Department of State

  5. Sunil Abraham Executive Director, CIS India

  6. Alice Munyua Lead dotAfrica Initiative and GAC representative, African Union Commission

  7. Will Hudsen Senior Advisor for International Policy, Google

  8. Dunja Mijatovic Representative on Freedom of the Media, OSCE

  9. Thomas Fitschen Director for the United Nations, for International Cooperation against Terrorism and for Cyber Foreign Policy, German Federal Foreign Office

  10. Hartmut Glaser Executive Secretary, Brazilian Internet Steering Committee

  11. Matt Perault, Head of Policy Development Facebook

Detaileddescription of the workshop is available here

Transcriptof the workshop is available here

Videolink TransnationalDue Process: A Case Study in MS Cooperation available here

 VI.The Internet Governance Project organised a meeting of theDynamicCoalition on Accountability of Internet Governance Venuesat Workshop Room 2 from 14:00– 15:30 on12 November, 2015. The coalitionbrought together panelists to highlight thechallenges in developing an accountabilityframeworkfor internet governancevenues that include setting up standards and developing a set ofconcrete criteria. Jyoti Panday provided the perspective of civilsociety on why acountability is necessary in internet governanceprocesses and organizations. The panelists for this workshop includedthe following.

  1. Robin Gross, IP Justice

  2. Jeanette Hofmann, Director Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

  3. Farzaneh Badiei, Internet Governance Project

  4. Erika Mann, Managing Director Public PolicyPolicy Facebook and Board of Directors ICANN

  5. Paul Wilson, APNIC

  6. Izumi Okutani, Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC)

  7. Keith Drazek , Verisign

  8. Jyoti Panday, CIS

  9. Jorge Cancio, GAC representative

Detaileddescription of the workshop is available here


VII.DigitalInfrastructureNetherlands Foundation organized an open forum atWorkshop Room 3from 11:00– 12:00on10November, 2015. The openforum discussed the increasein government engagement with “the internet” to protect theircitizens against crime and abuse and to protect economic interestsand critical infrastructures. Itbroughttogether panelists topresentideas about an agenda for the international protection of ‘thepublic core of the internet’ and to collect and discuss ideas forthe formulation of norms and principles and for the identification ofpractical steps towards that goal.Pranesh Prakash participated in the e open forum. Other speakersincluded

  1. Bastiaan Goslings AMS-IX, NL

  2. Pranesh Prakash CIS, India

  3. Marilia Maciel (FGV, Brasil

  4. Dennis Broeders (NL Scientific Council for Government Policy)

Detaileddescription of the openforum is available here

Videolink available here

VIII.UNESCO, Council of Europe, Oxford University, Office of the HighCommissioner on Human Rights, Google, Internet Society organised aworkshop on hate speech and youth radicalisation at Room 9 onThursday, November 12. UNESCO shared the initial outcome from itscommissioned research on online hate speech including practicalrecommendations on combating against online hate speech throughunderstanding the challenges, mobilizing civil society, lobbyingprivate sectors and intermediaries and educating individuals withmedia and information literacy. The workshop also discussed how tohelp empower youth to address online radicalization and extremism,and realize their aspirations to contribute to a more peaceful andsustainable world. Sunil Abraham provided his inputs. Other speakersinclude

1.Chaired by Ms Lidia Brito, Director for UNESCO Office in Montevideo

2.FrankLa Rue, Former Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression

3.Lillian Nalwoga, President ISOC Uganda and rep CIPESA, Technicalcommunity

4.Bridget O’Loughlin, CoE, IGO

5.Gabrielle Guillemin, Article 19

6.Iyad Kallas, Radio Souriali

7.Sunil Abraham executive director of Center for Internet and Society,Bangalore, India

8.Eve Salomon, global Chairman of the Regulatory Board of RICS

9.Javier Lesaca Esquiroz, University of Navarra

10.Representative GNI

11.Remote Moderator: Xianhong Hu, UNESCO

12.Rapporteur: Guilherme Canela De Souza Godoi, UNESCO

Detaileddescription of the workshopis available here

Videolink to the panel is available here


IX.ElectronicFrontier Foundation, Centre for Internet Society India, Open NetKorea and Article 19 collaborated to organizea workshop on the ManilaPrinciples on Intermediary Liabilityat Workshop Room 9 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm on 13 November 2015. Theworkshop elaborated on the ManilaPrinciples, a high level principle framework of best practices andsafeguards for content restriction practices and addressing liabilityfor intermediaries for third party content. Theworkshopsaw particpants engaged in over lapping projects consideringrestriction practices coming togetehr to give feedback and highlightrecent developments across liability regimes. JyotiPanday laid down the key details of the Manila Principles frameworkin this session. The panelists for this workshop included thefollowing.

  1. Kelly Kim Open Net Korea,

  2. Jyoti Panday, CIS India,

  3. Gabrielle Guillemin, Article 19,

  4. Rebecca McKinnon on behalf of UNESCO

  5. Giancarlo Frosio, Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School

  6. Nicolo Zingales, Tilburg University

  7. Will Hudson, Google

Detaileddescription of the workshop is available here

Transcriptof the workshop is available here

Video link available here


X.DynamicCoalitionon Accessibility and Disability and Global Initiative for InclusiveICTs organised a workshop on Empoweringthe Next Billion by Improving AccessibilityatWorkshop Room 6 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am on 13 November, 2015. Thediscussion focused onthe need and ways to remove accessibility barriers which prevent overone billion potential users to benefit from the Internet, includingfor essential services. SunilAbraham specifically spoke about the lack of compliance of existingICT infrastructure with well established accessibility standardsspecifically relating to accessibility barriers in the disastermanagement process. He discussed the barriers faced by persons withphysical or psychosocial disabilities. Thepanelists for this discussion were the following.

  1. Francesca Cesa Bianchi, G3ICT

  2. Cid Torquato, Government of Brazil

  3. Carlos Lauria, Microsoft Brazil

  4. Sunil Abraham, CIS India

  5. Derrick L. Cogburn, Institute on Disability and Public Policy (IDPP) for the ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Region

  6. Fernando H. F. Botelho, F123 Consulting

  7. Gunela Astbrink, GSA InfoComm

Detaileddescription of the workshop is available here

Transcriptof the workshop is available here

VideoLink Empoweringthe next billion by improving accessibility


XI.Aworkshop on FOSS& a Free, Open Internet: Synergies for Developmentwas organized at Workshop Room 7 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm on 13November, 2015. The discussion was focused on the increasing risk toopenness of the internet and the ability of present & futuregenerations to use technology to improve their lives. The panel shreddifferent perspectives about the future co-developmentof FOSS and a free, open Internet; the threats that are emerging; andways for communities to surmount these. SunilAbraham emphasised the importance of free software, open standards,open access and access to knowledge and the lack of this mandate inthe draft outcome document for upcoming WSIS+10 review and called forinclusion of the same. Pranesh Prakash further contributed to thediscussion by emphasizing the need for free open source software withend‑to‑end encryption and traffic level encryption basedon open standards which are decentralized and work through federatednetworks. Thepanellists for this discussion were the following.

  1. Satish Babu, Technical Community, Chair, ISOC-TRV, Kerala, India

  2. Judy Okite, Civil Society, FOSS Foundation for Africa

  3. Mishi Choudhary, Private Sector, Software Freedom Law Centre, New York

  4. Fernando Botelho, Private Sector, heads F123 Systems, Brazil

  5. Sunil Abraham, CIS India

  6. Pranesh Prakash, CIS India

  7. Nnenna Nwakanma- WWW.Foundation

  8. Yves MIEZAN EZO, Open Source strategy consultant

  9. Corinto Meffe, Advisor to the President and Directors, SERPRO, Brazil

  10. Frank Coelho de Alcantara, Professor, Universidade Positivo, Brazil

  11. Caroline Burle, Institutional and International Relations, W3C Brazil Office and Center of Studies on Web Technologies

Detaileddescription of the workshop is available here

Transcriptof the workshop is available here

Videolink available here

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