Digital native: Lie Me a River
This basic process of truth telling loses all affordance in social media practices. Let me channel my inner school teacher...
This basic process of truth telling loses all affordance in social media practices. Let me channel my inner school teacher...
The article was published in the Indian Express on October 16, 2016. A cursory web search for things with Bluetooth...
Day One February 11, 2014 Time Detail 9.30 a.m. – 9.40 a.m. Introduction: Sunil Abraham, Executive Director Centre for Internet...
The workshop focused on 3 chief challenges in contemporarypedagogy and teaching in higher education in India as identified by HEIRA:...
Cross-posted from Democracy and Society. Introduction The first decade of the 21st century has witnessed the simultaneous growth of the...
Last August, I had the opportunity to participate in the three-day grueling yet highly rewarding ‘Digital Natives Talking Back’ workshop...
Access to Knowledge
News Updates Internet, szabadonA polgárjogi aktivisták konfrontálódtak és panaszkodtak, a Google és a Facebook hárított és panaszkodott az Internet at...
Internet Governance
Mechanism of Self-Governance Needed for Social Networks Should social networking sites be governed, and if yes, in what way? Acall...